
Showing posts from March, 2024

Anim HW1 This position tool looks like it would be easy to use, and looks easy for quick animations. this tool also looks easy to use, and I feel like I could do it on my logo this looks easy to use but I feel like it would take a long time to create an animation


  Artist statement : For my somewhere project i put myself into a star wars picture. i did this because star wars is my favorite movie.


  I feel like this photo would be hard to edit myself into because of al the colors and lights in the picture. This photo inspired my somewhere here project because it gave me the idea to do a funny Star Wars picture. I found this picture funny because the editor made the women drop the man I would like to recreate this picture with my future son because it reminds me of a picture I have of me and my dad when I was little.

B&W to Color

 I took this picture of me snowboarding over break. I chose these colors because they stuck out the most to me and I think they contradict each other very well


  From the peoples portfolio this is an image that moved me. In this picture you can see a young child with a shirt that states "Free my dad". this image highlights immigrants in the United States, whose stories illustrate unjust immigration laws. and the destructive impact these laws have with deportations on families. This image moved me because you can see in the Childs face the sadness she is facing without her father. For my picture I took this over my break of me snowboarding when I went with my friends. I tried to capture a picture of me out in the snow enjoying myself that's why I chose this picture.